Crumpler is a manufacturer of messenger bags. The bags are produced in a wide variety of shapes, colors and styles. Their website expresses the fun-loving, freewheeling lifestyle that their bags embody.
I love how over-the-top the site is. Crumpler sets the mood straight away in one of the best intros I’ve seen in a while: it features a collage of an Uzi-waving girl riding a pig, with some clunky flash animation (probably intentional or it could also be my laptop.) A great little 60’s surf/monster movie soundtrack also helps to set a festive mood on the main page. The collage style is repeated throughout the site to great humorous effect. Navigational elements are animated and use rollovers to add additional animation. Each one has a unique little surprise in store: roll-overs also trigger a sampled sound clip with goofy things like “Oh honey, lay off.” Backgrounds for the site contrast with the crude collage style by employing the slick graphic look—now ubiquitous—of color gradations and silhouettes. This, however, works to make the collage animations even more bizarre and ridiculous.
I think I’m drawn to this animation by the punk rock humor, style and sillyness of it. They nailed the attitude that one would associate with bike messengers, hippies, punks and fun pigs —the folks who would totally buy these bags! I also like this site because it’s the complete opposite of what I would normally consider to be my aesthetic.